By Kristen Schoolcraft Campos, PMHNP, MSW, MSW
Are your mornings filled with chaos and stress? Your morning sets the tone for the rest of the day, so it is important to start the day off right. Below are steps you can incorporate into your morning routine to improve your entire day.
1. Set alarm to work for you not against you. Give yourself enough time for morning routine.
2. Take 6 deep breaths, focus attention on you power, life force, affirmations
3. Make yourself smile
4. Keep a gratitude journal
5. Set an intention for the day, make a daily quote, draw a picture, or write ideas
6. Drink water before coffee
7. Move your body-stretch, yoga, workout
8. Mindfulness meditation 5-mins
9. Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea
10. Eat a healthy breakfast
11. Take a cold shower
12. Self-care and hygiene- look good feel good
13. Make your bed or water your plants- accomplish something
14. Look at a vision board
15. Make to –do list
16. Listen to good music
17. Watch an inspiring video
18. Sneak in exercises throughout the day or morning routine
19. Read a book
20. Get enough sleep
21. Set yourself up for success the night before by preparing for tomorrow, clothes, meals, ect
22. Repeat your routine
By repeating your routine daily, it eventually becomes a habit. To start new healthy habits, you must intentionally focus effort in those areas. It does not take long to form new habits, but starting can feel difficult because it often involves breaking old habits. Old habits likely formed because they were convenient and easy. I encourage you to try a 30-day challenge of a healthy morning routine and see how you feel at the end of the month.
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” - Aristotle